The Five Magic Phrases for a Happy Marriage

Hear me my fellow men, especially young men at the gate of marriage.  Over twenty years ago,  I met a tyler by the name of  Jack Glick during a tour of the oldest Masonic lodge in the state of California.  Jack was a tall thin man, grey haired with a big smile.  He was over seventy years of age, and proud of the fact that he still stood erect and that he maintained his physical agility which he demonstrated to me.   I was soon to be married and Jack became serious as he advised me that he intended at that moment to impart to me five magic phrases that would practically guarantee that I should have a long and happy marriage.  

Unfortunately this was not to be the case for me, but I believe a great part of the reason was because, even though I knew these phrases,  I did not use them.  I am married again now, and if my marriage is not perfect, certainly it is pleasant and peaceful because I have learned the value of the magic phrases and practiced their use.   Do not be afraid of them, or ashamed.  Their power is great and they will empower you.  Use them, and you will significantly improve your relationship not only with your lover, but with all your loved ones, with all the people in life that you are fortunate enough to meet. I impart them to you now, in the order that they may be most commonly used.

Yes Dear
I’m Sorry
I Was Wrong
Please Forgive Me
I Love you

Remember,  you can be right or you can be happy.  You pick.


If you liked  “The Five Magic Phrases for a Happy Marriage” you may also want to take a look at:  “The Rules”


About Louis William Rose

“I am an advocate for Liberty. What I do for Liberty I do not do for profit or fame. I seek no office other than the office of parliamentarian, and no reward other than for myself and my fellow men and women to live in a free country.” Louis William Rose is a lifelong student of parliamentary procedure and political process. He has served as parliamentarian for various organizations. A political philosopher, poet, singer, and writer, his articles have been published on-line and in pro-liberty papers in Florida, Kentucky, Georgia, and Montana. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of North Florida, graduating summa cum laude in 2004, with an additional two years of graduate work in political philosophy. Mr. Rose is an outspoken supporter of the basic rights of man, especially freedom of speech, association, religion, individual rights to personal defense and property, and of republican, constitutional forms of government. He is married to the lovely Jamy Sue Rose, an award winning nature photographer and a Florida Master Naturalist and guide. He has two sons, Edward, a hydroponic farmer in the panhandle of Florida, and Alexander, a successful real estate developer.
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  1. Pingback: I’m sorry and thank you | Repairing Shattered Pieces

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